Dr John Tribute Page
Dr John Tribute Page
Someone much older and wiser than myself once said, and I will quote it as best I can ; “ In life we have many friends, in particular many who would wish to call us, friends. We ourselves hold only a number of really special friends close to our hearts. They are few in total. They are those that are still present or perhaps passed from this life. They are very different human beings, each one touched with that special something that set them apart from all the other friends. The sad fact of life is that we tend to recognise those friends often too late in our lives. Its often a time when we have difficulty in communicating with them for many and varied reasons. Strangely in all of this there is one factor that really stands out ; our special friends usually live a long way away from ourselves”
Special friends can go for months even a year or two, without speaking or communicating in any way, yet within seconds of picking up the phone or reading an email or a txt it is as if they were by our side and chatting again as if it were yesterday. Talking of days passed is only part of that conversation. Talking about days present, such as family, personal details that only true friends share and the like, but most importantly about the future ; theirs and ours. I venture to say it is more than friendship, it verges on a special type of love. It’s not just what you feel in that brain of yours but what you feel in your heart; like a close family member or a life long partner.
John Murray was one of my very special friends, and to be absolutely honest there are not many human beings, past or present, vets or lay people that fit into that warm part of my being, that has no anatomical name ; it’s just there. We all have such a place.
He was a true GENTLE MAN, not just a gentleman, but a true GENTLE MAN. It was there in the way he spoke. It was there in the way he carried out his career. It was there in his dedication to the fastest breed of dog on this planet, that any man has been privileged to put a collar and lead on. He loved greyhounds, and yes the dogs loved him. I believe so much of his success as a veterinary colleague was largely due to his ability to relate to his patients, and for that you need patience. As a diagnostician he was first class. Her earned the respect of his clients and colleagues through his great skills.
We often enjoyed our chats on the phone, yet the last time we met in person was at my 70th. Birthday, I think, and though not 100% he made a point of coming. I often used to say to him,” John, when are you going to give it away.”
‘Well,”’ he would reply, “I like to keep up my registration in case I have to write a prescription from time to time”
That was John. We would talk about our wonderful profession and the enjoyment we both derived from it over the years, but also about life; what the future held, and of course Bev.
He would have been delighted to see Queensland win the State of Origin, and I dread saying it, but after a 22 year stint in Tasmania, I adopted the Sunshine state as well, so we would have been in full agreement.
If you feel a little sad after my reminiscings, please don’t be. John would want us to enjoy his “presence” with us, not as a celebrity but as one of us. He was like that, he just wanted to be an ordinary man and a good veterinarian.
John, my dear friend, you will never be an ordinary man to us. You, as the great Bruce McAvaney would say are “SPECIAL”.
Harry and Suzi Cooper
Kylie Jorganson
It was an honor and privilege to have known John as he was an amazing vet and a beautiful friend he cared and treated all animals great and small also treated people with kindness and respect from all walks of life .I feel truly blessed and thankful for having a vet and a friend thankyou and you will be sadly missed by many people and animals.🥰❤🐶🐕🐩🐾🐾🐾 Kylie Jorganson
Judith Knight
Thanks Helen for the opportunity.
I would like to say:
Dearest John I will always have the best memories of having you in my life, and for that I am most grateful. A very special man who I have admired, respected and loved because of your generous and giving heart.
I am a better person for having you in my life.
"How lucky am I to have had something that makes saying goodbye so hard" Winnie the Pooh.
Debbie Morris
Thanks Helen that would be lovely…
I met John over 50 years ago as one of his vet nurses in Kew, Victoria. He remained the same kind, caring friend with a great compassion for his clients and their pets for all the years I’ve known him. Although I visited infrequently to Queensland we had regular phone calls always with much humour. He was such a good friend and listener and so well informed on many issues. He spoke so fondly of his many friends. It was obvious how well he was respected. He would always text me after every AFL match, whether my team won or lost. Now my phone is silent after a match and a constant reminder of missing my dear friend John. 🤗🥰❤️
Gail Thorsby
Yes I definitely would like to say something as unfortunately just getting over covid we can’t attend tomorrow. The EG is perfect but adding his support to myself and encouragement in my career as a Steward. He truly cared about the Greyhound Industry he loved. ❤️
Kris and Glen Monkman..
A big thank you Dr John for always availing your time and extensive knowledge to us whenever we required it. Every contact with you you have excelled beyond your call. Your knowledge knew no bounds and you always made the time for us with a happy smile. You will be dearly missed.
Emma Martin
Fly high, rest easy Dr John with your darling Beverly. To be in your presence was an honor, and a privilege. You’re a fine example of a modern day saint. The four legged family has lost their healer and friend x
Thank you Helen for this opportunity and your compassion x
Lesley Webb
He was always the same good man in the many years that I knew him, an absolute gentleman in every way.
We could always rely on John to come up with answer to any problem, rain hail or shine, any time of the day or night, without any hesitation.
One of the great vets of our time, and I am so honored to have known him, and will truly treasure my friendship with him over many years. Always a strong man ,with a cheeky sense of humor, I feel privileged to have known Dr John as a friend.
A great friend and vet, there’ll never be another one like him. Merv Page
Thank you for the opportunity to express our thoughts on the great man John…… Rex and I have known John and Beverly for 50 years. John would visit our Tooradin trial track and assist with the greyhounds care. Every Monday night we enjoyed their company at the Olympic Park greyhound racing. John was always happy to give his time and knowledge with the greyhounds and owners. A true gentleman and a great friend. Proud to have known such a caring and wonderful man. Rest In Peace with Beverly and Rex. Lisa Hurst. ❤️😇🙏🏻
Always so generous with his time and knowledge, Dr John always had the remedy. All the calls and questions answered, so kind and patient. Such a huge loss to the industry. Thankyou John for everything you’ve done and the things you’ll continue to with your legacy.
Ash Sommerfield.
Alec Stevens
I have never known a kinder man and he was was my best friend since 1968. John was such a wonderful man and a massive part of my life. Such an incredible loss
Will be missed terribly
John Murray was a gentleman, a scholar & a true friend. He was always so happy to help with advice regarding our dogs. He showed great interest in everyone's stories regarding their greyhounds racing. His Beverly was a dab hand at puppy rearing, and between them they were a dynamic duo. They worked together so well it was as if they were one. He rang me one night to say he had driven his car into his carport & hit it, in panic, he reversed back & into the corner of his house & done damage to the brickwork. He sounded pretty upset. I said " Don't panic John, Michael isn't home right now, but I'll tell him & he will come down ASAP to have a look." Michael did that & repaired the damage. After Michael had passed, John had someone frame a picture of him to the brickwork as a memorial. That's what you call a True Friend. Although I haven't lived in Brisbane for over 10yrs John was one of the people I always loved to keep in contact with. He will be missed by many & may he Rest In Peace. Kay Thrupp.
Thank you John for your great friendship and all the time I spent with you. John you are one of a kind and a great mate. Kingsley Samuels xo
The Grafton greyhound community were very grateful for all the help that John gave so generously to us, he will be missed by everyone. John Corrigan
Tom and Gaynor Lowe
We consider him a great friend, a true gentleman and he always told you the truth.
You might not have liked some of the information he offered, but it was always for the benefit of both hound and human.
We both miss him more than words can say..
Bev used to say Melb cup day was her Christmas.
John has given us advice in past years which we’re still using now.
Think he and Bev are giving us a hand with our current litter -John enjoyed watching our pups race and always sent a message after the race.
Jemma Daley
I was introduced to John by tricky “Mike Stephenson” a couple of years back. I can remember tricky saying to me if you have any questions “just give John Murray a call” My first thoughts were I don’t want to bother John as he barely knew me and I didn’t want to be a pest. Well how wrong was I! John was always up for a phone call, our chats were sometimes short and brief but he always had the time to answer any questions and explain anything if I was unsure. I used to get so much satisfaction receiving a congratulations message from John after my dogs won. A man who was larger than life itself and an absolute gentleman who treated everyone with respect and dignity. You have left a massive whole in our industry that will never be filled.
Ian and Dawn Harvey
I am not well and miss the times when I would discuss health problems with John his knowledge was unbelievable l miss that weekly chat. He would always love discussing how the hawks were doing
From Chis Boemo President of the Australian Greyhound Vets Group
Vale Dr John from the Australian Greyhound Vets Group. John was one of our original members and a past president of our group. He was a mentor to many of us as well as a dear friend. We have all benefitted from the pioneering work in greyhound medicine and surgery that the partnership of Dr Jim Gannon and John shared with us.
Thank you for the help you generously gave to every member of our group.
Your race is now run, rest in peace
John Murray a man of high principles and integrity a joy to visit with my dog and beyond that I was fortunate to have met him befriended him and will cherish the memories of this most admiral person
God Bless
Terry Auckram
Many Memories & Fun times had on Holidays Cruising & Touring with John & Beverley
Gordon & Marion Wilson
Scott Gould
A great man that would help you anytime with anything
As a younger, inexperienced probationary steward way, way back in 1992 I was introduced to Doctor John and his partner Beverley.
Over the ensuing years a friendship developed where I was able to converse with Dr John both on an official basis about almost anything pertaining to greyhounds and greyhound racing as well as sitting down to have a good old heart to heart chat as friends. Those chats were about anything at all outside of the greyhound world.
To say I now have a hole in my heart where Dr John was is putting it mildly.
Thank you for your ability to differentiate in both sides of my existence back in those times Dr John.
Since retiring as a steward and maintaining a connection to the industry by racing a few dogs it has never been a problem to pick up the phone and call Dr John or go and see him for advice on the care of my animals
I cherish the privilege of being able to say to people” Dr John Murray? He was my friend and mentor.”
Rest In Peace Dr John you’re now with Beverley again. The world, especially the Greyhound world is poorer for loosing you and the wealth of knowledge both of greyhound welfare and how to treat your fellow human beings that you took with you when you passed away.
Thank you Dr John.
Bob Watkins